This site is a resource for students and scholars alike interested in the history of race & ethnicity. From providing an overview of the history of race to highlighting the unsung minorities of the past, this website is intended to be a tool to help visitors gain a historical grasp of the saga of race relations in the U.S. and abroad.

Race & Culture is an online source (in beta form) that focuses on the history of race & ethnicity in the U.S. The textbook highlights the development of racial ideas and categories in eras that have traditionally marked U.S. history. Framed in the Global context, the work shows how race developed in the U.S. as the nation was inextricably linked to global patterns.

Five skulls labelled Tungusae, Caribaei, Feminae Georgianae, O-taheitae, Aethiopissae, presumably serving as specimens for Blumenbach's Mongolian, American, Caucasian, Malayan and Aethiopian races. (Wikimedia Commons)

A man has his nose measured during Aryan race determination tests under Nazi Germany's Nuremberg Laws that was applied to determine whether a person was considered a “Jew”. "Non-Aryan" neurologists were expelled from the country, killed or driven to suicide. Credit: Universal History Archive Getty Images

Five skulls labelled Tungusae, Caribaei, Feminae Georgianae, O-taheitae, Aethiopissae, presumably serving as specimens for Blumenbach's Mongolian, American, Caucasian, Malayan and Aethiopian races. (Wikimedia Commons)